Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Beadweaving Links Added

I'm in the process of adding links to the side bar of all the beading blogs I stumble upon.

I am endless fascinated by beaders in far off lands (well, far from me). You'll notice several blogs are written in non-english languages. It's a pity I can't understand what they have written, but the beadwork speaks for itself.

Some say that math is the universal language.....I like to think art is.

So, take a trip and check out some of the blogs on the side won't be disapointed!


Smadar's Treasure said...

Maybe you could use one of the translators like Babelfish or Google treanslate, even if sometimes you get funny translated texts... :)
Anywhay, I think like you that art in a universal language.


Susan Clinkscales said...

I have a list of non-English blogs on my sage feed reader. Sometimes I use Babelfish to (somewhat) translate them, but most of the time I just drool over the pics!

Can't wait to check out your links!

Anna said...

I think you're right, art is universal! Beautiful sites!

The Lone Beader® said...

Cool! I share my list on Google, as well as on my 'Push My Buttons' page.

Kim said...

One of my favourite type of sites to browse are Russian and Ukranian, they are inspiring!!

Kim said...

i am going to have to browse these one day (I say one day b/c I always get sucked in for a good long time with this kind of stuff!!) :)